Style Done Right.

Copy of original About us

The story. 

Originally it started as just seventeen. The thought  came to me when I was fourteen years old. I loved the thought of having a brand; something people could say they love, admire, or even strive to be like. At first it just meant completion. The number seventeen is the number of completion, a symbol and a number to chase after in the efforts to complete a goal or a dream. The idea manifested so much, that I dreamt one night, that I was managing my very own store in a mall called Larry Taylor’s Seventeen. The name “Larry Taylor” comes from my grandfather.  I called my grandfather that night and told him about how one day this dream of mine would become the real deal after three years. And several failed attempts of getting it off the ground, today I can proudly say I’ve made the completion in one of my many dreams; and most importantly, I can show my grandfather, LT, that the promise was never forgotten.   


Fashion plays a large role in our daily lives. We wear it, it represents a part of us, it expresses us, and it’s a part of us. Larry Taylor’s goal is to provide a brand that not only appeals, but stands out. From unique designs you won’t find anywhere else to simple shirts with the brand name. A clothing store made so anyone can come in and walk out satisfied with something that represents them and stands out, as well as a design they can love.

The vision. 

      The vision or dream is, first of all, giving quality guaranteed clothing with beautiful designs, and secondly becoming a largely recognized brand among the top brands. One that everyone can appreciate and love. One that can have anyone come in and quickly find something that appeals to them and their style. Our vision is that every person can have their style done right.

 -Larry Taylor